Spinal Decompression
Spinal Decompression in Manchester at The Gonstead Family Chiropractic Clinic
GET to the ROOT!!! Spine treatment targeting the ROOT CAUSE of pain.
In modern medicine, spinal distraction has been utilised as a treatment option to help relieve peripheral radiation/sciatica and pain associated with various spine injuries and pathologies.
If you have been suffering from low back pain, neck pain, or other spinal injuries, and have been told that a lifetime of taking drugs or a risky surgery are you only options, we have NEW HOPE for you.
The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System (“DTS”) is essentially a method of stretching your body to relieve the pressure that builds up in the spine through various causes, including injury, obesity, inactivity and over-taxing of the cervical and lumbar muscles. DTS uses gentle intermittent distractive forces, thereby creating an unloading and separating of the joints of the spine. The Decompression Traction System can be an essential element of chiropractic therapy, using safe and effective equipment. DTS works for cervical and lumbar traction / decompression, and is useful for patients suffering chronic back pain, and those recovering from acute back, neck, or spinal injuries.
The Triton Decompression Traction System may be used to relieve peripheral extremity radiation, arm pain, leg pain, sciatica, and pain associated with:
- Protruding discs
- Spinal root impingement
- Bulging discs
- Hypomobility
- Herniated discs
- Degenerative joint disease
- Degenerative disc disease
- Facet syndrome
- Posterior facet syndrome
- Acute facet problems
- Joint pain
- Radicular pain
- Discogenic pain
- Prolapsed discs
Spinal decompression is non-surgical, non- invasive and typically does not involve pain medications. The treatment is safe and painless, comforting and relaxing. Patients are fitted into a support system to stabilise the body. Next, the advanced traction control system gently pulls (decompresses) the spine without pain or discomfort. Typical treatments last from 20-30 minutes. Our spinal decompression table allows us to gently separate the vertebrae from each other, creating a vacuum inside the discs, promoting diffusion of water, oxygen and other nutrient-rich fluids from the outside of the discs to the inside. Over time, the results of this therapy are quite dramatic in healing disc injuries in the neck and lower back.

How Does It Work?
The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System’s pull-relax patterns create a suctioning effect on the disc, much like pulling a balloon from both ends, and the middle portion narrows as a result. The goal of DTS therapy is to reduce the pressure on the nerve, most commonly from a herniated or protruding disc. DTS therapy also decreases muscle spasms and muscle guarding, and breaks up adhesions, in order to facilitate increased range of motion and decrease pain. In addition, spinal decompression helps improve blood flow and nutrient exchange at the disc, which results in pain relief, improved healing, and slower degeneration. The Triton Decompression Traction System is for cervical and lumbar traction.
Low Back Pain: How Decompression Therapy Treatment helps to relieve low back pain.
Back pain affects nearly everyone at some point during their life. Whilst most back pain resolves itself or with a short course of treatment, for some people back pain can become an unwelcome companion.
Decompression Therapy is the non-surgical spinal decompression treatment for people suffering with chronic back pain and neck pain.
Treatment works by gently distracting and mobilising targeted spinal segments using a series of carefully controlled pulling forces which we call distraction forces.
The distraction helps to improve mobility in the painful area and this is important for healing.
It also helps relieve pressure on structures such as the intervertebral disc, spinal nerves and the joints of the vertebrae themselves, which can be causing pain.
The Treatment
The goal of treatment is to address the causes of pain.
Once set the patient relaxes and is ready for treatment.
As with all treatments, patient safety is paramount and Decompression treatment has many safety features for complete peace of mind.
Decompression Therapy is a tool used as part of a complete programme of care. As treatments progress and pain is relieved, patients are shown simple exercises to help condition the body and are advised on lifestyle changes to help get the most from the treatment and achieve lasting pain relief.
The number of treatments you require will vary depending on the nature of your condition. Some patients can experience relief within a few treatments, whilst other patients require a course of treatments to give the body time to adapt to changes, heal and strengthen.
Nerve Pain: How Decompression Therapy Disc Treatment helps to relieve arm pain and leg pain (sciatica)
Do you suffer sleepless nights with the shooting pains in your legs and numbness in your feet?
Do you have an ache across your shoulders, down your arms and into your hands?
Nerve pain of this kind is often a sign of an underlying spinal disc problem.
By targeting specific spinal segments, Decompression Therapy can treat nerve pain effectively and non-invasively.
Nerve pain affecting the legs (sciatica)
Sciatica is the term used to describe the inflammation or compression of the sciatic nerve which runs from the back of the pelvis through the buttocks and down both legs to the feet.
When the nerve is irritated or hampered in this way, the result can be a shooting or grinding pain down one or both legs. Sometimes sufferers will also experience tingling, numbness or weakness in the legs and feet.
Sciatica is often associated with a herniated or ‘slipped’ disc in the lumbar spine so there may also be pain in the lower back, around the area of the protrusion.
Nerve pain affecting the arms and hands
Similarly, it is quite common for neck pain sufferers to experience additional pain, tingling or numbness across the shoulders, down the arms and hands – the result of a pinched or irritated nerve. It’s usually caused by one of the discs between the bones of the upper spine bulging outwards on to a nearby nerve.
Nerve pain caused by a herniated or ‘slipped’ disc
Discs are the protective pads of connective tissue dividing the bones of the spine – the ‘shock absorbers’ which protect the spine when we move around.
Over time – usually with prolonged periods of standing, sitting, bending or lifting – it’s possible to cause weakness in the spine which can eventually cause a disc to bulge out of its normal position or even rupture on or near surrounding nerves. When damage like this occurs we might say that the disc has ’slipped’,herniated or prolapsed.
How does Decompression Therapy help patients with nerve pain?
Decompression Therapy uses safe and gentle pulling forces to draw apart specific spinal segments where discs are damaged, removing pressure and irritation from trapped nerves.
This is particularly effective for nerve pain, since opening up the disc space helps to dilute any inflammatory toxins which might be causing irritation to the surrounding nerves whilst also relieving pressure from them.
Patients receive a structured programme of regular Decompression Therapy sessions, allowing the body to adapt to treatment whilst progressively relieving pain and improving mobility.
Research shows that patients with a herniated disc in the lumbar spine and accompanying sciatica showed a good to excellent improvement with this mode of treatment in 86% of cases.
If you’re suffering with neck pain or any of the additional symptoms mentioned above, click on the link below to see how Decompression Therapy can help.
Neck Pain: How spinal decompression helps to relieve neck pain.
Neck pain affects thousands of people every year and yet treatment options for neck pain are somewhat limited in comparison to back pain.
Manual therapists use a variety of techniques to treat neck pain but when these standard treatments fail to produce adequate results, the treatment options are very limited.
Decompression Therapy is a safe and precise non-surgical spinal decompression treatment for neck pain and conditions related to disc problems in the cervical spine.
Decompression Therapy is well known as a treatment for herniated or prolapsed discs, sometimes referred to as a slipped disc and is commonly used to treat herniated discs in the neck.
When treating the neck, accuracy and safety are essential and Decompression Therapy treatment includes many safety features including a patient safety switch which allows them to have control of the treatment at all times.
Active tracking enables clinicians to monitor treatment and modify settings in response to patient needs.
The number of treatments required will vary depending on the nature of your condition. Some patients can experience symptomatic relief within a few treatments, whilst others may require a series of treatments to enable the body to adapt to change and properly heal.
Frequently Asked Questions about The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS
Will The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS Therapy treatments hurt? Is it safe?
The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System treatments are one of the most gentle and comfortable therapies available. The treatments utilise equipment with proven safety and efficacy. Most patients report a mild sense of stretch on their neck, back or hips, and often fall asleep during treatment sessions.
Can The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS Therapy help my pain?
Although each patient is different, and no doctor can guarantee success, the clinical results of this type of therapy have been effective in over 85% of patients treated. A 2007 study by Dr. John Leslie of the Mayo Clinic found that patients with chronic lower back pain experienced a 50% reduction in pain after two weeks of spinal decompression treatments. After the entire six-week protocol, the success rate was 88.9%. Common problems to many back conditions are damaged discs and poor spinal muscle control. Our treatment program addresses both of these core problems. The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS creates a controlled unloading of the vertebra to decrease disc pressure thus increasing blood and nutrient exchange to the disc and effected tissues including muscles that surround the area. This exchange of fluids is something the damaged disc is missing. When the restoration of fluid exchange occurs, healing can progress, range of motion of the disc and surrounding soft tissues improve and pain levels reduce.
Is The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS Therapy new?
Although traction therapy has been around for thousands of years, Decompressive Traction is relatively new. Advances in equipment and procedures have dramatically improved effectiveness. The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System is the most comprehensive program available, allowing the safe delivery of this previously hospital-based therapy in our office. Continual improvements in the delivery system and regular updates in protocol keep The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System at the forefront of non-invasive disc therapy. Each year over 50,000 patients are treated with DTS Therapy and that number is growing.
Why is The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction DTS Therapy more successful than other treatment options?
The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction System is a comprehensive program of the newest traction techniques and targeted “core” stabilization exercises. In addition, we use chiropractic adjustments to restore motion and alignment to the spine. These treatments in spinal manipulation have proven effectiveness in back care. It is this multi-faceted approach that makes the overall treatment so effective. Additionally, discs have been shown to be a predominate site of pain radiating to the extremities, so treating it as directly as possible makes sense. The blending of focused traction to the site, rehabilitation to the supporting structures, and spinal alignment correction with appropriate spinal manipulation from your chiropractor, makes the treatment unique. DTS affects the disc as directly as possible without surgery.
Will my pain go away for good?
Although it is difficult to predict the future, our experience is that most patients do find long-term relief or effective management of their pain when they complete the entire program of treatments using The Chattanooga Triton Decompression Traction. Regular home exercise and periodic visits to our clinic will help in maintaining your spinal health and reduce the probability of reoccurrence. As with any comprehensive rehabilitation program your continued home care exercises and discretion in some daily activities is key to long-term relief.
Is it true that research has shown up to 88.9% success rate for spinal decompression?
Yes! More than 10 research articles have shown success rates for spinal decompression therapy to be between 80% and 90% for individuals suitable for treatment.
How much will it cost?
Our office visits vary as to the extent of care needed. However, we promise to only do those procedures necessary for your fullest recovery. You always have the choice as to the extent of care. We will review all costs, payment options, up front. We want to help, and believe finances shouldn’t stand in the way of you and good health.
No matter what your concerns, we invite you to call The Gonstead Family Chiropractic Clinic Office – UK 0161 833 0202 regarding your condition, NO OBLIGATION! Please don’t hesitate to call and set up a consultation today.
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